Now, having secured from the City of Hiroshima a significant piece of land at the Hiroshima Railway Station Front, together with a commitment for the perpetual up keep of the property, the project is much closer to the realization of a dream.
Gateway to World Peace will be a landmark near the Hiroshima Railway Station. It will be an education center, especially for the younger generation to become aware of the horrors of nuclear weapons, as well as a tribute to the integrity and hard work of the Japanese people who rebuilt Hiroshima after the nuclear tragedy. A shining tower in the center of the green space beside the the Enkoe River, created by the efforts of people all over the world, will be at the heart of this monument.
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The city, scarred by the Atomic Bomb, could turn the historic event into a teaching opportunity. It is a symbol of our vision for a peaceful future. All people, but especially the young who will be the architects of our future and the bearers of our hopes and dreams, can come here to learn and be motivated to engage in the pursuit of world peace. A memorial alone is not enough. There must be a dedicated effort to educate people and inspire them to take action.
Glass artist, Kazuhiko Kamiya, is creating glass images of a Hopeful Future for World Harmony and Peace to be used at the monument. The images below are his past works.
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